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Truth Movement

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The Truth Movement publishes a number of articles, each with the authors’ individual explanation of what happened on September 11 2001.The articles range from attempts of scientific studies to political manifestos, critiques of the security policies following the terror attack, antisemitic articles, and speculative theories of various value.
Author index
A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
- Islam and the 9/11 Wars: Steven Jones Interviews Kevin Barrett
Dr. Kevin Barrett and Dr. Steven Jones, October 2007 - “9/11 – Ten Years On” Reveals BBC Bias
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - 9-11 – Can Americans Escape the Deception?
Christopher Bollyn, 2012 - 9-11 Defendant’s Ties to Judge Ignored by U.S. Court of Appeals
Christopher Bollyn, 2012 - 9-11 Evidence Hidden from Public
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - 9-11 Judge Nominated for Attorney General
Christopher Bollyn, 2007 - 9-11 Planes Flew Directly into Secure Computer Rooms in Both Towers
Christopher Bollyn, 2007 - 9-11 Q&A
Christopher Bollyn, 2012 - 9-11 Terror Suspect Hiding in Israel
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - 9-11 Truth-tellers Deserve an Apology
Christopher Bollyn, 2012 - 9-11 and Alvin Krongard – Israel’s Agent at the CIA
Christopher Bollyn, 2012 - 9-11 and the Politics of War
Christopher Bollyn, 2012 - 9-11: 11 Years After
Christopher Bollyn, 2012 - 9-11: Only 1-in-10 Believes Official Story
Christopher Bollyn, 2012 - 9-11: The “New Pearl Harbor” of the Zionist War Plan
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - 9-11: The Florida Connection
Christopher Bollyn, 2008 - 9/11 & Nine Years of Deception and War
Christopher Bollyn, 2010 - 9/11 Litigation Update – Justice Denied – One Case Left
Christopher Bollyn, 2010 - 9/11 Masterminds – Explosive Connections
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - 9-11 Mossad Agents Admit Mission
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - 9/11 and Israel: Interview with Alan Sabrosky
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - 9/11: The Unidentified Murder Weapons
Christopher Bollyn, 2010 - 9/11: Towards a UN Inquiry Commision
Christopher Bollyn, 2010 - A 9-11 Widow’s Quest for Truth
Christopher Bollyn, 2005 - An American Holocaust
Christopher Bollyn, 2007 - An Inconvenient Witness – Kurt Sonnenfeld & the Emptied Vault of WTC 6
Christopher Bollyn, 2009 - Architects and Engineers Demand Proper 9/11 Investigation
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - Architects of 9-11 Terrorism Consolidate Political Power in Israel
Christopher Bollyn, 2012 - Arnon Milchan – “Mr. Israel” and 9/11
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - BBC Reported “Series of Explosions” in Twin Towers on 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - Behind Closed Doors: Israelis Dismissed from 9/11 Trial
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - Bin Laden Tape Exposed as Fake
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - Bin Laden Video: Smoking Gun or CIA Fake?
Christopher Bollyn, 2001 - Bollyn 9/11 Research Shown to be Without Error
Christopher Bollyn, 2009 - Bollyn Responds to Voxeo
Christopher Bollyn, 2008 - British Chief of Staff Critical of War on Terror
Christopher Bollyn, 2001 - Bush on 9-11: Out of the loop?
Christopher Bollyn, 2003 - Calling Shaul Eisenberg
Christopher Bollyn, 2010 - Calling the FBI on Criminal Destruction of Steel Evidence from 9/11
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - Chertoff Family Member Wrote 9-11 Propaganda
Christopher Bollyn, 2005 - Chief UN Weapons Inspector Calls Iraq War Illegal
Christopher Bollyn, 2004 - Citizen Grand Jury & Radioactivity at Pentagon
Christopher Bollyn, 2004 - Constitutional Rights Fall to State Security
Christopher Bollyn, 2001 - Controlled Press Hides Chertoff’s Israeli Roots
Christopher Bollyn, 2005 - Controlled Press Ignores Questions about 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2004 - Controlling the Message of 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2006 - Cover-Up: The 9-11 Commission
Christopher Bollyn, 2003 - Deceptive PR Firm Joins War Effort
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - Demystifying 9/11 by Alan Sabrosky
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - Did 9-11 Planes Fire Incendiary Missiles?
Christopher Bollyn, 2004 - Did Mossad Deceive the U.S. Military on 9-11?
Christopher Bollyn, 2005 - Did Rupert Murdoch Have Prior Knowledge of 9-11?
Christopher Bollyn, 2003 - Ehud Barak – Architect of 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2009 - Ehud Olmert’s Secret Visit to New York on Eve of 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2007 - Ehud Olmert’s Ties to 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2006 - El Al Crash Exposes Israel’s Chemical Weapons Arsenal
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - Elbit – The Hellerstein Connection to 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2009 - Eric Holder: The Zionist Agent & the “Mastermind of 9/11”
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - Eric Hufschmid and Rupert Murdoch – Agents of Deception
Christopher Bollyn, 2010 - Eyewitnesses Saw Military Aircraft at Scene of Flight 93
Christopher Bollyn, 2005 - FBI & Police Reports of Israelis Arrested on 9/11
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - Fearing 9-11 Protests Netanyahu Cancels U.S. Visit
Christopher Bollyn - Final Chapters of Solving 9/11 Published
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - Fire Did Not Collapse WTC – Swedish Structural Engineer
Christopher Bollyn, 2008 - Fire Engineers Refute 9-11 Collapse Theory
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - Firefighters Call for 9-11 Truth
Christopher Bollyn, 2010 - Firefighters’ Final Words Debunk Fire Collapse Theory
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - Foreign Firms Destroyed Crucial Evidence
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - Fox News Tries to Smear Bollyn
Christopher Bollyn, 2003 - Friends of Israel and the Treason of 9/11
Christopher Bollyn, 2010 - German Intelligence Expert Refutes U.S. Version of 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - German Intelligence Experts: 9-11 is Hollywood Deception
Christopher Bollyn, 2001 - Homeland Security & the Exclusion of Evidence
Christopher Bollyn, 2007 - How Ehud Barak Pulled Off 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2010 - How Hollywood Turns Truth into Conspiracy Theory
Christopher Bollyn, 2012 - How Thermite and Explosives Brought Down WTC 2
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - How the Controlled Press Avoids 9-11 Truth
Christopher Bollyn, 2005 - How the Zionist Media Network Interprets 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2006 - Hugo Neu and the Giuliani Partners Who Destroyed the Steel of 9/11
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - IRAQ: An Illegal War
Christopher Bollyn, 2003 - Iran Bashing, Terrorism, and Who Chose The Chosen People, Anyway?
Christopher Bollyn, 2012 - Iranian President Calls for 9/11 Investigation
Christopher Bollyn, 2010 - Is 9-11 Judge Working for Israel?
Christopher Bollyn, 2007 - Is Ariel Sharon the Mastermind of 9-11?
Christopher Bollyn, 2006 - Is Israeli Intelligence Behind Terrorism in America?
Christopher Bollyn, 2004 - Is MITRE the Trojan Horse of 9-11?
Christopher Bollyn, 2005 - Is the Pentagon Mystery Disc from a Global Hawk?
Christopher Bollyn, 2003 - Is this Thermate Exploding at the North Tower?
Christopher Bollyn, 2007 - Israel and 9/11: Mossad in Florida
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - “Israel Did 9-11” – U.S. Military Expert Supports Bollyn Thesis
Christopher Bollyn, 2010 - Israel’s Secret Super Thermite Lab
Christopher Bollyn, 2009 - Israel’s Vast Spy Network of Fake Art Students
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - Israeli 9-11 Terror Suspects Still Held
Christopher Bollyn, 2001 - Israeli Agents Confess to 9-11 Mission
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - Israeli Lobbyist Confirms 9-11 Conspiracy Theories
Christopher Bollyn - Israeli Security Firms in London: Fortress GB & ICTS
Christopher Bollyn, 2005 - Israeli Terror Suspect Comments on Bollyn Article
Christopher Bollyn, 2012 - Israeli Terror Suspects Captured by FBI
Christopher Bollyn, 2001 - Judge Forces Families to Settle Out of Court
Christopher Bollyn, 2007 - Judge Hellerstein’s Unethical Connection to Key Defendant in 9-11 Lawsuit
Christopher Bollyn, 2010 - Justice Denied – Last 9/11 Family Settles Out of Court
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - Lawson Video on “No Planes” Theory
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - Legal Experts: Pre-emptive War Illegal
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - Letters to the Media about Evidence of Super Thermite
Christopher Bollyn, 2009 - Making Sense of the Media Cover-Up of 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2010 - Mapping the Zionist Terror Network
Christopher Bollyn - Mass Media Avoids Questions about 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - Massive Israeli Spy Ring Uncovered
Christopher Bollyn, 2005 - Mayor Giuliani, Senator D’Amato & Israeli Intelligence
Christopher Bollyn, 2007 - Media Admits Failing Public on Iraq War Coverage
Christopher Bollyn, 2004 - Michael Chertoff’s Childhood in Israel
Christopher Bollyn, 2007 - Mitt Romney and the 9-11 Cover-Up
Christopher Bollyn, 2012 - Morgan Reynolds on WTC Demolition
Christopher Bollyn, 2005 - Mossad in Germany and 9-11 Disinfo
Christopher Bollyn, 2009 - Murdoch’s Deeply Hidden Jewish Roots — A Biography
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - NYFD Survivors of Explosions on 9/11
Christopher Bollyn, 2010 - New Video of Demolition of WTC 7
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - No Plane Hit Pentagon: U.S. Major General Stubblebine
Christopher Bollyn, 2009 - Obama is Obliged to Arrest Ehud Barak – 9-11 Mastermind and War Criminal
Christopher Bollyn, 2010 - On Enduring Dictators and Darkness
Christopher Bollyn, 2007 - Open Letter to 9-11 Investigators
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - Open Letter to NIST Investigators
Christopher Bollyn, 2006 - Our Deviant Republic & the 9-11 Cover-Up
Christopher Bollyn, 2012 - Paul Craig Roberts Interview on 9/11 Cover Up
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - Ptech Logo is the Star of David
Christopher Bollyn, 2012 - Questions about Olmert’s 9/11 Visit to NYC
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - Radiation Danger at Pentagon & Other Crash Sites
Christopher Bollyn, 2004 - Rahm Emanuel’s Dirty Secret
Christopher Bollyn, 2006 - Recipe for Making Super Thermite
Christopher Bollyn, 2009 - Robert Oswain R.I.P. – NYPD Victim of Toxic WTC Smoke
Christopher Bollyn, 2010 - Scientist Supports 9-11 Demolition Theory
Christopher Bollyn, 2005 - Skull & Bones, 9-11, and the Bogus “War on Terror”
Christopher Bollyn, 2003 - Solving 9/11 to End the Zionist War Plan for Iran
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - Spy Agency’s 9-11 Drill Exposes Government Lies
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - Super-Thermite Demolished Twin Towers on 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2009 - Super-Thermite Found in World Trade Center Dust
Christopher Bollyn, 2009 - Survivors Witnessed Explosions Inside Twin Towers
Christopher Bollyn, 2001 - Terror Mastermind KSM is an Imposter – The Confession is Fake
Christopher Bollyn, 2007 - The “Huge Bullet Hole” in the South Tower and Analysis of Missile Evidence
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - The 9-11 Cover-Up: Italian Gangsters and Jewish Bosses
Christopher Bollyn, 2007 - The 9-11 European Truth Tour
Christopher Bollyn, 2005 - The 9/11 Cover Up – The Destruction of the Steel Evidence
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - The 9/11 Deception and the Death of Bin Laden
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - The Big Lie Banned in America
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - The Censored Evidence of Thermite
Christopher Bollyn, 2006 - The Censored Eyewitness Testimony of William Rodriguez
Christopher Bollyn, 2005 - The Conspirators’ Unbreakable Bond
Christopher Bollyn, 2007 - The Court’s Crass Comments about 9-11 Litigation
Christopher Bollyn, 2007 - The Criminal Justice System and 9-11
Christopher Bollyn - The Death of American Democracy by Anthony Lawson
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - The Death of a Senator and 9-11: The Uncanny Connections
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - The Denial of Justice for 9-11 Victims
Christopher Bollyn, 2007 - The Dirty Business Behind the 9-11 Clean-up
Christopher Bollyn, 2010 - The Exploding Floors of 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2009 - The FBI’s Fake Terror Plots and 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - The FBI’s Role in Hiding Evidence at the Pentagon
Christopher Bollyn, 2005 - The Family Ties Between Bush and Bin Laden
Christopher Bollyn, 2001 - The Final Phase of the 9-11 Cover-Up
Christopher Bollyn, 2007 - The Forewarning of 9-11 & the Israeli Fugitive
Christopher Bollyn, 2006 - The Gang of Czech Jews around the Collapses of 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2010 - The Goldman Scam & John Paulson’s Links to 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2010 - The Government Cover-Up of 9-11 Evidence
Christopher Bollyn, 2012 - The Great Game for the Oil & Gas of the Caspian Region
Christopher Bollyn, 2001 - The Hidden Role of the CIA at Popular Mechanics
Christopher Bollyn, 2005 - The Hollywood Fantasy of Flight 93
Christopher Bollyn, 2006 - The Israeli Code on U.S. Government Computers
Christopher Bollyn, 2006 - The Israeli Connection to 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2005 - The Israeli Connection to 9/11
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - The Israeli Truck Bombs of 9/11 – Video
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - The John Birch Society & 9-11 Disinfo
Christopher Bollyn, 2005 - The Judicial Hijacking of the 9-11 Victim Lawsuits
Christopher Bollyn, 2006 - The Key Players of 9-11: Who is Jerome M. Hauer?
Christopher Bollyn, 2008 - The Legend of 9/11 – 10 Years On
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - The Manipulated Bin Laden Tape
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - The Missile Pod of 9/11 and the Cover-Up
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - The Molten Metal and Nano-Thermite of 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2012 - The Mossadniks of 9-11: Sivan and Paul Kurzberg
Christopher Bollyn, 2008 - The Murderous Mossad and 9-11
Christopher Bollyn - The Mystery Engine Part in the Pentagon Photo
Christopher Bollyn, 2003 - The Mystery of WTC 6
Christopher Bollyn, 2009 - The Occupation of Iraq is the “War in Iraq”
Christopher Bollyn, 2007 - The Profiteers of 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2001 - The Rewriting of the History of 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2005 - The Sarfati Connection, Art Students & Israeli Support to Colombian Drug Lords
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - The Seismic Evidence & Molten Iron in the Rubble
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - The Shanksville Deception of 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2010 - The Smoking Gun of 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2012 - The Spoils of War: The Minerals of Afghanistan
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - The Suppressed Photos of Thermite Explosions
Christopher Bollyn, 2006 - The Ties between Netanyahu and Silverstein
Christopher Bollyn, 2006 - The Toxic Smoke from the Rubble
Christopher Bollyn, 2007 - The White Flames of Thermite
Christopher Bollyn, 2006 - The Windsor Tower Inferno and 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2005 - The Zion Crime Factory – Israel and 9/11
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - The Zionist Gang Behind New York’s 9-11 Conference
Christopher Bollyn - The Zionist Mega-Scams of 9/11, Bernard Madoff & Allen Stanford
Christopher Bollyn - The Zionist Money Behind 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2008 - The Zionist Network behind 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2006 - The Zionist Strategy to Balkanize Iraq
Christopher Bollyn, 2005 - The Zionists Who Gained from 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - Top Secret: Ehud Olmert’s 9-11 Visit to NYC
Christopher Bollyn, 2007 - Twin Failures of the Department of Justice: 9-11 and the Trillion Dollar Bailout
Christopher Bollyn, 2012 - U.S. Knew About 9-11 Terror Plot Since 1995
Christopher Bollyn, 2001 - U.S. Lacks Evidence against Taliban
Christopher Bollyn, 2001 - U.S. Lies to Sell War on Terror
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - Understanding the 9-11 Bombing of WTC-6
Christopher Bollyn, 2009 - Understanding the Use of Thermite on 9-11
Christopher Bollyn, 2009 - Video Evidence of 9-11 Explosions Censored
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - Video Evidence of Unexplained Explosion in WTC 6
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - Video Indicates Planes Were Not Passenger Jets
Christopher Bollyn, 2004 - Video of Missile Hitting Pentagon
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - Video of Missile Hitting the Pentagon
Christopher Bollyn, 2010 - Video: Pilots Agree – Flight 77 Did Not Hit Pentagon
Christopher Bollyn, 2012 - Voxeo’s Ties to 9-11 and the Israeli Military
Christopher Bollyn, 2008 - War Is Sell – Washington Elite Benefits from War
Christopher Bollyn, 2001 - Was 9-11 an Inside Job?
Christopher Bollyn, 2004 - Was Flight 93 Shot Down?
Christopher Bollyn, 2004 - Was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Captured?
Christopher Bollyn, 2007 - Was Super Thermite in WTC Floor Ducts?
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - Were DU Missiles Used on 9-11?
Christopher Bollyn, 2004 - What Caused the WTC 6 Crater?
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - What Does Bin Laden Really Want?
Christopher Bollyn, 2001 - What Exploded at WTC 6?
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - Who Destroyed the 9/11 Evidence?
Christopher Bollyn, 2010 - Who Put Super Thermite in the Twin Towers?
Christopher Bollyn, 2009 - Who Put Thermate in the World Trade Center?
Christopher Bollyn, 2007 - Who Really Recovered the Remains in Shanksville?
Christopher Bollyn, 2012 - Who Sold the 9/11 Steel for Scrap?
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - Who is Behind the London Bombings?
Christopher Bollyn, 2005 - Who is behind the Attack on Professor Jones?
Christopher Bollyn, 2006 - Who’s to Blame for the Terror in London?
Christopher Bollyn, 2006 - Why Did Iron Boil beneath the Rubble?
Christopher Bollyn, 2006 - Why are Honest 9-11 Researchers Targeted?
Christopher Bollyn, 2007 - Why the “Mastermind of 9-11” is Kept Secluded
Christopher Bollyn, 2010 - Widow’s Motion Exposes 9-11 Judge’s Ties to Israeli Defendant ICTS
Christopher Bollyn, 2012 - WikiLeaks, Israel, and the 9/11 Crime Gang
Christopher Bollyn, 2010 - Zionist ‘Prince of Darkness’ Craves War
Christopher Bollyn, 2002 - Zionist Judge Sets Arbitrary Time Limit on 9/11 Trial
Christopher Bollyn, 2011 - A Discussion of “Analysis of Structural Response of WTC 7 to Fire and Sequential Failures Leading to Collapse”
Ronald H. Brookman, October 2012C
- Destruction of the World Trade Center North Tower and Fundamental Physics
David Chandler, February 2010
- The NIST WTC Investigation–How Real Was The Simulation?
Eric Douglas, R.A., December 2006
Word version
- Intersecting Facts and Theories on 9/11
Joseph P. Firmage, August 2006 - Seismic Proof – 9/11 Was An Inside Job (Updated Version III)
by Craig T. Furlong & Gordon Ross, September 2006 - The Ghost in the Machines: Evidence of Foreknowledge in the WTC Hard Drive Recoveries
Michael Fury, December 2008
- Why Did the World’s Most Advanced Electronics Warfare Plane Circle Over The White House on 9/11?
Mark H. Gaffney, July 2007 - Discussion of ‘Mechanics of Progressive Collapse: Learning from World Trade Center and Building Demolitions’ by Zdenek P. Bazant and Mathieu Verdure.
James Gourley - Appeal Filed with NIST, Pursuant to Earlier Request for Correction
James Gourley, Bob McIlvaine, Bill Doyle, Steven Jones, Kevin Ryan, Richard Gage, Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice, November 2007
Appendix: Sept. 2007 Response to April 2007 RFC, from NIST - Direct Evidence for Explosions: Flying Projectiles and Widespread Impact Damage
Dr. Crockett Grabbe, August 2007 - To whom it may concern
Dr. Frank R. Greening, August 2006 - The American Empire and 9/11
Prof. David Ray Griffin, May 2007
- Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe
Niels H. Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones Kevin R. Ryan, Frank M. Legge, Daniel Farnsworth, Gregg Roberts, James R. Gourley and Bradley R. Larsen
Material Termítico Activo Descubierto en el Polvo Originado en la Catástrofe del World Trade Center el 11 de Septiembre
Spanish Translation of the Harrit et al. Article, December 2009
Nachweis von reaktionsfähigem thermitischen Material im Staub der World Trade Center- Katastrophe vom 11. September 2001
German Translation of the Harrit et al. Article, December 2009 - How do a small number of Jews control a large number of goyim?
Eric Hufschmid, 2008 - Lesson # 6: Deceiving with the Truth
Eric Hufschmid, 2009 - Lesson # 7: Crypto Jews and Crypto Zionists
Eric Hufschmid, 2006 - Products for Patriots and 9/11 Victims
Eric Hufschmid - What is stopping the Japanese from exposing 9/11?
Eric Hufschmid, 2007 - What is “Zionism”?
Eric Hufschmid, 2005 - Why do we believe Zionists are the masterminds of the September 11 attack?
Eric Hufschmid, 2006 - A Structural Reevaluation of the Collapse of World Trade Center 7, September 2017 Progress Report
Dr. J. Leroy Hulsey, Dr. Feng Xiao, Zhili Quan, 2017 - WTC 7 Progress Statement, March 27 2018
Dr. J. Leroy Hulsey, Dr. Feng Xiao, Zhili Quan, 2017 - A Structural Reevaluation of the Collapse of World Trade Center 7, Draft
Dr. J. Leroy Hulsey, Dr. Feng Xiao, Zhili Quan, September 5 2019
- The Impact of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks on the US Economy
Prof. Olivia A. Jackson, March 2008 - Addendum: Request for an Investigation by the FBI into the Falsification of pH Corrosivity Data for World Trade Center Dust
Dr. Cate Jenkins, June 2007 - Request for an Investigation by the Senate Subcommittee on Superfund and Environmental Health into the Falsification of pH Corrosivity Data for World Trade Center Dust
Dr. Cate Jenkins, June 2007 - The Overwhelming Implausibility of Using Directed Energy Beams to Demolish the World Trade Center
Dr. Gregory S. Jenkins, February 2007 - Solving The Great Steel Caper: DEW-Demolition Contrary Evidence
Dr. Gregory S. Jenkins, October 2007 - Supplemental: DEW-Demolition Contrary Evidence
Dr. Gregory S. Jenkins, October 2007 - Extremely high temperatures during the World Trade Center destruction
Dr. Steven E. Jones, Dr. Jeffrey Farrer, Dr. Gregory S. Jenkins, Dr. Frank Legge, James Gourley, Kevin Ryan, Daniel Farnsworth, and Dr. Crockett Grabbe, January 2008 - Fourteen Points of Agreement with Government Reports on the Destruction of the World Trade Center.
Steven Jones, Frank Legge, Kevin Ryan, Antony Szamboti, James Gourley - Revisiting 9/11/2001 –Applying the Scientific Method
Dr. Steven E. Jones, May 2007 - Why Indeed Did the World Trade Center Buildings Completely Collapse?
Steven E. Jones
French Translation - 15 years later: on the physics of high-rise building collapses
Europhysics News, 47/4 2016
S. Jones, R. Korol, A. Szamboti, T. Walter
- The collapse of WTC 7: Are-examination of the “simple analysis” approach
Robert Korol, Paul Heerema, Ken Sivakumaran, February 2016 - Performance-based fire protection of office buildings: A case study based on the collapse of WTC 7
Robert Korol, Frank Greening, Paul Heerema, July 2015 - WTC 7: A Short Computation
Prof. Kenneth L. Kuttler, June 2006
- 9/11 – Acceleration Study Proves Explosive Demolition
Dr. Frank Legge, November 2006 - 9/11 and Probability Theory
Dr. Frank M. Legge, June 2008 - 9/11 and the Twin Towers: Sudden Collapse Initiation was Impossible
Dr. Frank Legge and Tony Szamboti, ME, December 2007 - 9/11 – Evidence for Controlled Demolition: a Short List of Observations
Dr. Frank Legge, June 2006 - 9/11 – Evidence Suggests Complicity: Inferences from Actions
Dr. Frank Legge, June 2006 - 9/11 – Proof of Explosive Demolition without Calculations
Frank Legge, Ph.D., September 2007 - Conspiracy Theories, Myths, Skepticism, and 9/11: their Impact on Democracy
Frank Legge, Ph.D., August 2007 - Controlled Demolition at the WTC: An Historical Examination of the Case
Dr. Frank Legge, May 2009 - Falsifiability and the NIST WTC Report: A Study in Theoretical Adequacy
Anonymous and F. Legge, March 2010 - Flight AA77 on 9/11: New FDR Analysis Supports the Official Flight Path Leading to Impact with the Pentagon
Frank Legge and Warren Stutt, January 2011 - NIST Data Disproves Collapse Theories Based on Fire
Dr. Frank Legge, August 2006 - What Hit the Pentagon? Misinformation and its Effect on the Credibility of 9/11 Truth
Dr. Frank Legge, July 2009 - Some Physical Chemistry Aspects of Thermite, Thermate, Iron-Aluminum-Rich Microspheres, the Eutectic, and the Iron-Sulfur System as Applied to the Demise of Three World Trade Center Buildings on 9/11/2001
Jerry Lobdill, June 2007 - A description of molten aluminum poured onto rusty steel
Wes Lifferth, March 2007
- 118 Witnesses: The Firefighter’s Testimony to Explosions in the Twin Towers
Prof. Graeme MacQueen, August 2006 - The Missing Jolt: A Simple Refutation of the NIST-Bazant Collapse Hypothesis
Prof. Graeme MacQueen and Tony Szamboti, January 2009 - Did the Earth Shake Before the South Tower Hit the Ground?
Prof. Graeme MacQueen, July 2009 - Waiting for Seven: WTC 7 Collapse Warnings in the FDNY Oral Histories
Prof. Graeme MacQueen, January 2008 - Faulty Towers of Belief: Part I. Demolishing the Iconic Psychological Barriers to 9/11 Truth
Laurie A. Manwell, M.Sc., June 2007 - Faulty Towers of Belief: Part II. Rebuilding the Road to Freedom of Reason
Laurie A. Manwell, M.Sc., August 2007 - 9/11 Family Members and Scholars: Request for Correction Submitted to NIST
Bob McIlvaine, Bill Doyle, Steven Jones, Kevin Ryan, Richard Gage, Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice, June 2007 - Plausibility Of 9/11 Aircraft Attacks Generated By GPS-Guided Aircraft Autopilot Systems
Aidan Monaghan, October 2008 - Statement Regarding Thermite, Part 1
Robert Moore, Esq., January 2007 - Proof That The Thermal and Gravitational Energy Available Were Insufficient to Melt Steel in the Twin Towers and 7 World Trade Center on 9/11/01
Prof. Terry Morrone, April 2007
- Why Australia’s Presence in Afghanistan is Untenable
James O’Neill, February 2011
- Demolition Access to the WTC Towers
Kevin Ryan, 2009-2010 - Jones v. Robertson, A Physicist and a Structural Engineer Debate the Controlled Demolition of the World Trade Center
Gregg Roberts, April 2007 - Momentum Transfer Analysis of the Collapse of the Upper Storeys of WTC1
Gordon Ross, ME, June 2006 - NIST and Dr. Bazant – Simultaneous Failure
Gordon Ross, ME, May 2007 - Reply to Dr. Greening
Gordon Ross, ME - How the Towers were Demolished
Gordon Ross, ME, August 2006 - Were Explosives the Source of the Seismic Signals Emitted from New York on September 11, 2001?
André Rousseau, November 2012 - Environmental Anomalies at the World Trade Center: evidence for energetic materials.
Kevin Ryan, James Gourley, Steven Jones - High Velocity Bursts of Debris From Point-Like Sources in the WTC Towers
Kevin Ryan, July 2007 - The Top Ten Connections Between NIST and Nano-Thermites
Kevin Ryan, July 2008 - What is 9/11 Truth? – The First Steps
Kevin Ryan, August 2006
- A Critical Review of WTC ‘No Plane’ Theories
Eric Salter, October 2006 - Some Misunderstandings Related to WTC Collapse Analysis
Gregory Szuladzinski, Anthony Szamboti, Richard Johns
International Journal of Protective Structures, Vol. 4, N. 2, June 2013, Multi-Science Publishing - Anomalies of The Air Defense On 9/11
Paul Schreyer, October 2012 - 9/11 Commission Deception, Cheney’s Actions on 9/11, and Why He Should Testify Under Oath
Prof. Peter Dale Scott, September 2007 - 9/11, JFK, and War: Recurring Patterns in America’s Deep Events
Prof. Peter Dale Scott, October 2007
- Analysis of the Mass and Potential Energy of World Trade Center Tower 1
Gregory H. Urich, December 2007
- Obstacles to Persuasion: Lessons from the Classroom
Mark Vorobej, December 2008
- World Trade Center Physics: Why Constant Acceleration Disproves Progressive Collapse
Ted Walter,, publication date unknown - The Pentagon Attack: Problems with Theories Alternative to Large Plane Impact
John D. Wyndham, December 2011
- The Sustainability of the Controlled Demolition Hypothesis for the Destruction of the Twin Towers
Tony Szamboti, ME, May 2007
- Destruction of the World Trade Center North Tower and Fundamental Physics