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Procedures regarding hijacking were made slower

Procedures regarding hijacking were made slower0.Background
Until June 1, 2001, the procedures for how the U.S. civil aviation authorities should handle hijackings were described in Directive CJCSI 3610.01, from Juli 31, 19971. On June 1, 2001, a new directive was implemented, CJCSI 3610.01A2. It is this new directive that according to the claim should make the procedures for hijacked planes slower which should ensure that the four hijacked planes reached their targets. The Truth Movement has later published this documentary that according to the Truth Movement should prove that the terror attack on September 11 2001 was a so-called inside job, where Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was one of the conspirators. In the documentary, former FAA Air Traffic Controller Robin Horden (0:53:57-0:55:57) says that it was the new directive that made it possible for the planes to reach their targets by not being shot down by the U.S. Airforce0. The video has been removed by YouTube, due to copyright infringement. The link can be found here: A quote from the new directive is show as evidence:
The directive which was in effect from 1997 to 20011 states the following, 4. Policy:a. Aircraft Piracy (Hijacking) of Civil and Military Aircraft. The Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), pursuant to the title 49, USC, section 44903(e), has exclusive responsibility to direct law enforcement activity and may request DOD assistance in responding to an actual or suspected air piracy (hijacking) under the authority contained in Enclosure A. Reference a establishes the role of the NMCC to serve as the focal point for coordinating DOD assistance to the FAA. In the event of a hijacking, the NMCC will be notified by the most expeditious means by the FAA. The NMCC will monitor the situation and forward all requests or proposals for DOD military assistance for aircraft piracy (hijacking) to the Secretary of Defense for approval. DOD assistance to the FAA will be provided in accordance with reference b. Additional guidance is provided in Enclosure B.The civil aviation authorities, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is solely responsible for controlling any efforts with the regards to law enforcement during hijackings. The FAA can ask for assistance from the Department of Defense (DOD), when a hijacking, or a possible hijacking, is underway. The National Military Command Center (NMCC) functions as a focal point for the assistance from the DOD to the FAA. The U.S. Secretary of Defense must approve all requests and suggestions before the military steps in with aid. The directive effective on June 1, 20012, has a slightly different wording:
a. Aircraft Piracy (Hijacking) of Civil and Military Aircraft. Pursuant to references a and b, the Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), has exclusive responsibility to direct law enforcement activity related to actual or attempted aircraft piracy (hijacking) in the “special aircraft jurisdiction” of the United States. When requested by the Administrator, Department of Defense will provide assistance to these law enforcement efforts. Pursuant to reference c, the NMCC is the focal point within Department of Defense for providing assistance. In the event of a hijacking, the NMCC will be notified by the most expeditious means by the FAA. The NMCC will, with the exception of immediate responses as authorized by reference d, forward requests for DOD assistance to the Secretary of Defense for approval. DOD assistance to the FAA will be provided in accordance with reference d. Additional guidance is provided in Enclosure A.After June 1, 2001, it is still the FAA who is solely responsible for controlling any efforts with the regards to law enforcement during hijackings. The FAA can ask for assistance from the Department of Defense (DOD), when a hijacking, or a possible hijacking, is underway. The National Military Command Center (NMCC) will be informed by the FAA and shall still function as a focal point for the assistance from the DOD to the FAA. The U.S. Secretary of Defense must approve all requests and suggestions, before the military steps in with aid. A source has been added (d), FAA Order 7610.4J, 3 November 19983, “Special Military Operations”. This directive states that it is the FAA who is responsible for escorting a possible hijacked plane to safe landing, possibly with aid from the military. The directive says nothing of the possibility of shooting down hijacked planes.
The claim is contradicting the claim of an inside job given that the claim acknowledges that the four planes were hijacked. If the added Order 7610.4J should be the reason for the slower procedures, it is not Donald Rumsfeld who is part of an inside job but William Cohen4, who was Secretary of Defense from 1997-2001 during President Bill Clinton.Conclusion
The claim is therefore:- False
- Undocumented
- Self-contradicting
“Hvis man skal tale om noget, som kan virke som en stand-down ordre, er det hele protokolomskrivningen for procedurene over, hvordan der skulle reageres ift. flykapring, som blev foretaget af Dick Cheney i foråret 2001. “Tilfældigvis” fungerede denne forsinkelse ift. den tildligere procedure rigtigt smart for dem, der havde interesse i, at operationen 9/11 blev gennemført.” Jeppe Severin, Facebook indlæg
“Hvorledes kaprer-proceduren blev langsommeliggjort af bl.a. Donald Rumsfeldt i foråret 2001, bliver der redegjort for af flyveleder Robin Horden her fra 0:53:57-0:55:57.” Jeppe Severin, Facebook indlæg
- CJCSI 3610.01, 31 July 1997, Aircraft piracy (hijacking) and destruction of derelict airborne objects
- CJCSI 3610.01a, 1 June 2001, Aircraft piracy (hijacking) and destruction of derelict airborne objects
- Direktiv 7610.4J, Chapter 7, Escort of Hijacked Aircraft
- William Cohen, Wikipedia
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