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The smoke from the World Trade Center 7 came from the World Trade Center 5

“But most that that smoke (…) that comes from the World Trade Center 5” 0
In the hours after the collapse of the World Trade Center 2 at 09:59 and the collapse of the World Trade Center 1 at 10:28 local time, a hefty smoke was observed coming from the World Trade Center 7.
The Danish conspiracy theorist and retired chemistry professor Niels Harrit explains the smoke from the World Trade Center 7 in this way:
“Some of it comes from Building 7. There is no doubt that it was smouldering in the building and that there was smoke. And that day had a weak northern wind which comes from our backs when we are standing and looking at this.
That is, on the back there is a vacuum, and the smoke is drawn up around the building. But most of that smoke we see here; that comes from the World Trade Center 5 which was behind Building 7.” 0
To support his claim, Niels Harrit shows a video clip of the World Trade Center 5, and says:
“And how was it with Building 5? Well, it looked like this. It is burning quite nicely and is smoking like, sorry, hell. I don’t have to say that the building remained standing. It was not built from the same principle as the seven or the towers, but it was… it remained standing…(unclear, ed.), but the fiver remained standing. It is quite funny that the fiver is burning fiercely and then it is claimed that Building 7 should have collapsed…(unclear, ed.).”1
The explanation is that the wind comes from the north but draws the smoke up around the World Trade Center 7 in this fashion:

This recording from ABC shortly before 2pm local time clearly shows that the smoke does not pull up around the World Trade Center 7 but instead is streaming out directly from the floors of the building (video).
The claim is self-contradicting. On one hand, Niels Harrit says that the thick smoke coming from the World Trade Center 7 is a sign that the fire is about to die out:
“And we all know that when there is smoke, it is because the camp fire is going out or someone has forgotten their summer tyres in the office.” 2
On the other hand, he says that the thick smoke on the south side of the World Trade Center 7 is due to a violent fire in the World Trade Center 5:
“(The World Trade Center 5) is burning quite nicely and is smoking like, sorry, hell.”
“It is quite funny that the fiver is burning fiercely…”! 3
Elsewhere, Niels Harrit points to fires in other highrises that did not result in a collapse4.
All of these examples show clearly thick smoke coming from the burning buildings.
Smoke thus means both a live fire and a fire gone out, depending on which building Niels Harrit is talking about.
The claim is therefore:
- False
- Misleading
- Self-contradicting
- Det Syvende Tårn, Niels Harrit Foredrag – Part 1, (5/7), 05:30
- Det Syvende Tårn, Niels Harrit Foredrag – Part 1, (5/7), 5:44-6:54
- Det Syvende Tårn, Niels Harrit Foredrag – Part 1, (5/7), 03:33
- Det Syvende Tårn, Niels Harrit Foredrag – Part 1, (5/7), 06:00-06:45
- Det Syvende Tårn, Niels Harrit Foredrag – Part 1, (7/7), 04:00-05:42
Det Syvende Tårn, Niels Harrit Foredrag – Part 1, (4/7), 06:38-07:35
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